Tuesday, July 17, 2012

SomeOne is One!

Yesterday our sweet Gabi girl turned one!

We celebrated her birthday over the weekend with a big party at the park and, despite the windy rainy weather, it was a great success! We were so thankful for all the help we had from my parents, my sister Lindsey, and my nieces Keeanna and McKenna.

Gabi was excited and engaged the whole time. She seemed to love every minute of it and it was obvious that she knew that everyone was there for her. She was patient with Mami as she posed for several photos and she expressed her excitement as each new guest arrived.

She was a little unsure about the face painter, so she got a little flower painted on her leg instead.

 But the other kids sure enjoyed our wonderfully talented face painter!

She also didn't know what to think of the cotton candy but soon realized that she could eat it and that it was yummy.

She had fun making a mess of her cake and certainly didn't mind being the center of attention!

Her cute little personality was ever present as well as she made silly faces while eating her lunch!

 Gabi knew just what to do when it came to opening presents. She dug right in and made quick work of getting them unwrapped. She was especially excited about the dancing puppy her nana & papa gave her. She started dancing as soon as she opened it!

She also loved her new bike mami & papi got for her. Such a big girl!

We have been so very blessed with such a sweet, silly, smart, and beautiful girl! She has brought so much joy to our lives and we couldn't be more thankful for the honor of being her parents. We love you Gabi girl!


  1. she is just too adorable! looks like it was a great party! cute decorations, too!

  2. What a fun party and darling little Gabi! Glad we got to be there to celebrate!
